i just still remember this fan account
"jess came for breakfast, another female drove the car, the other female was wearing her hat low so person who saw them couldn't see who she was, but he guess she's a celeb too"
and.. you know? i just imagine the female who drop sica like this

kekek... it same, female, car, hat! :3
and the car yuri use, it just for two person.. ahaha sorry make delulu so much, but.. yulsic alwasy make me thinking like that ! hahah
Bonus :

just still hoping yulsic selca :D
"jess came for breakfast, another female drove the car, the other female was wearing her hat low so person who saw them couldn't see who she was, but he guess she's a celeb too"
and.. you know? i just imagine the female who drop sica like this

kekek... it same, female, car, hat! :3
and the car yuri use, it just for two person.. ahaha sorry make delulu so much, but.. yulsic alwasy make me thinking like that ! hahah
Bonus :

just still hoping yulsic selca :D
bener2 berharap kalo itu yuri dan yulsic itu REAL,,oh ya thor,sempet nonton nih brain games,katanya kalo orang jalin hubungan cinta udah lama,senyumnya rada mirip,,nah gimana nih menurut author,senyum yulsic itu mirip gak? kalo menurut aku sih AGAK SEDIKIT mirip,gak tau kalo mata aku yang salah liat,,