reality is really hurt.. but don't be too sad we can still dream.. everythink.. no one can destroy our dreams .. yeah yulsic still a live.. in our heart :)
behind the scane photoshoot. for album japan best of the best..
wherever kwon yuri are always there Sica..

when she on the left..

or the right.. sica always beside her.. :) . yeahh.. you know.. yulsic always found only on BTS (behind the scane)

whatever happens, I feel this is so good and so right.. although only an edited picture ...
Bonus :
i just remember this scane actualy like what happen between yuri and sica.. you know sica have nickname 'ice princess' she so arogant and cool.. but only kwon yuri can mealting her ice :). yeah.. compared with Soshi MV i more like story MV.. I can feel more of the meaning of each lyric..
credit :
- delusion brain
But baby, don't you realized that was happened before the accident? :')
hehe to much yulsic moment before the accident..
1. divine mv out
2. yuri create weibo
3. yuri follow sica weibo
4. sica not follow yuri weibo