"if you are not yulsic shipper, don't continue read this story,..! stop! its just delusion and only for yulsic shipper, I am not responsible if you are exposed to the delusion virus ~ "
This weeks,.. i found so much scary coincidence between yuri and jessica..... fufufu lets see....
a. Sparkling Water + Lemon
ufufufu yuri very like sparkling water + lemon, she always update her IG with this drink...
and i think, jessica like too.... in J&K show i found,. when she prepare drink for her sister krystal she recomended sparkling drink...
do you want make game? how much you can find, sparkling water in J&K show? hahahahahaha, i found one,. and i think, you will find the other... :P
awwwww...... i think yul very like rosemary...she is very like herbal.. but sica? fufufu, i dont know she like herbal .. fufuf who know? someone influenced her.. lol
so, we have two new item what yuri and sica very like,.
1. Food = fried rice ? i have so much delusion about this food hahaha... you can search on my old delusion :P.
2. Drink = Sparkling Water + Lemon ?
3. Plant = Rosemary.? hahahahah....
c. Signature
Remember my delusion news about yulsic http://www.soshitoons.com/2015/03/news-delusional-i-am-you-jung.html maybe they can have go to nail art together? and on hyoyeon show at Hyoyeon's 'One Million Like" , she introducing her favorite nail art shop,. when the program show of the place,. what we found,.??? fufu,.. we can see yuri and jessica signature in one frame ....lol
you can see, sunny, tiffany, seohyun signature too, but only yulsic signature in one frame,.. yulsic come together?? hmmm..... But what i found more interesting,.. my friend sent me this artikel http://www.beautypl.co.kr/pdtalk/pt_talkview.asp?n_idx=13173 seems Sica came together with Soo on the shop....
But now ist interesting how the owner framed YulSic's signature in one shelf. xD
maybe the owner yulsic secret shipper? hahahahahaha ...
d. Same Place ?
lol, its so accidental.. when yul unnie post IG about party....
and what i found ..... girl in the mirror, the pose, the beg, the chair, and the lamp......
because sica close with woori and woori spoted have selca with heavenbin and chaeyeon as know as "yuri unnie " .. so if, woori close with "yuri unnie",. can be sica know about "yuri unnie?" and hang out together? fufufufuf....
ah my delusional.... yulsic coincidence is very scary... >////////<
bonus : another scary coincidence....
fufu, make yul time....
hihihi true family ability,...
fufufuf like wear short pans....
favorite brand... No21.........
and same pose,. with girl behind you.... hahahahha
credit :
- delusion brain
- Always One 2122
- Jul Pro
- Hang_Soshi 711
- ย่าแย้มของยูลสิก
Nice one .. <3~ I'm always amazed with your delulu.... You guy just keep doing like that! ^^~
ReplyDeleteHooray for yulsic!! XD
ReplyDeletei still believe on them.
Why not you change your words from 'delusional' to 'my opinion' instead? Delusional sounds so weird tbh hahaha youre not delusional at all. You have all point and some proof+indirect moment, i love how you elaborate your opinion and combined with the others. Keep writing about yulsic! Theyre more than real :) fighting Soshitoons!!
ReplyDeleteDelusion.. ..
Deleteits weird but ther world can protected me if someone want to bash me., :)
Because how much i make opinion and give the proof in then end just like delusion,. So, why not i call them delusion at the first, so if someone bash me and call me delusion, yeah you not wrong all i post it just delusion and this is delusion site,. You waste your energy 😄😄😄😄
thank you sist..please continue your delulu,,yulsic always make my day bright...................
ReplyDeletewakakakkakaa ajibbbbb ^^