I just want share article, i just found it on : http://s1.zetaboards.com/L_Anon/single/?p=4509347&t=4614945
already to read ?! lest goooo!
I don't know what's going on but I read a few pages back and someone request for me to analyze this I don't mind but it will be much better if I see the whole video of this so I can see their pupil if they get dilated or it contracts, but ok let talk about this part alone.

first is yuri's gaze watch as her eyes briefly look at jessica's faces in detail she probably is looking at her eyes to her nose to her mouth then look up again because i think someone did notice her looking at her or in short caught her looking at jessica that's why she made a fake smile to show to that person that caught her that she's polite and there's nothing weird going on.
The eyes contain a wealth of information when looking for clues about whether or not someone is attracted to you. First, the gazing pattern of someone who is attracted to you will be much different that someone with merely platonic feelings. When someone feels nothing more than friendship, their gaze will be fixed on your eyes, scanning back and forth from one eye to the other. This indicates no romantic feelings. However, if someone scans from one eye to the other, then to the mouth and back to the eyes, or the hair then back to the eyes, this is a sign of attraction. They are curious about you and so they cannot help but explore other parts of your face. This gazing pattern is very easy to observe and is often totally unconscious so it is a handy tool in determining whether someone is attracted to you.
second notice yuri's neck you can see a vain popping out when she start looking at her briefly this could be there's a sudden change in breathing in that mere seconds. so what those actions indicate, well I could say it is attraction or an admiration.
when a person is attracted to you, their breathing pattern will change. This may have to do with bodily changes associated with arousal, since pulse rate and breathing are known to quicken when an individual becomes aroused.
lastly is yuri's body position in this GIF you can see that her body somewhat facing in jessica's direction it could be because they are cramp in that area, also notice that next to yuri's left is also close to her but yuri chose to faces that way(sica) when she can also faces the person next to her, like when you're on in the elevator and its cram you will face close to someone you know than to someone you don't but in this case yuri both know and close to the person in her left and right but her body still position herself according to what it feels she's comfortable.
Generally when a person is enjoying the company of another person and doesn't want to leave she will be oriented in such a way that her shoulders will be parallel to the shoulders of the other person. This means that she will face her with her whole body. People who talk to you without facing you properly may be wanting to leave either because they are not interested to talk to you or either because they are late
now on jessica's reaction
she caught yuri looking at her she actually get nervous and a bit surprise to what happen cause maybe in her mind she didn't expect that they will both try to look at each other at that time but that happen to everyone, we unconsciously check the person next to us is normal like when you ride a bus or a train you'll eventually look who's next to you or some even check who ride the bus every time it stop. but what surprising is her reaction because first they already know each other so there's no need to check out who's next to you, another thing is her suppress smile and the movement of her eyes, her eyes moving left and right mean she get nervous after knowing yuri's looking at her, you can also see that her head and body try to move to her left like she's avoiding the gaze, people who get conscious and nervous will try to avoid what cause them that feeling.
sica's suppress smile, after she caught yuri looking at her you can see that she even wanted to make her smile even bigger while she's avoiding her gaze(yuri) it was indicate by the movement of her cheek and her neck making a small hole like something caught in her throat. it was even get more obvious when her shoulder jerk a little like she's about to giggle
so by this action it comes out like she was shy about something yet she feels happy or feel funny that it was happening.
bonus: just read this
Note: this bold letters happen most of the time unconsciously
The Private Distance: When you become interested in someone you will keep a smaller private distance between you and him compared to the distance you would leave otherwise while being with others. You will also notice that people who are interested in you will stand closer to you than to other people.
on the other hand
People who are close to each other usually leave very small private distance between them. As i said before the private distance in body language is the distance people leave between them while standing with each other. Its very easy to spot a group of close friends through their private distance because of the little distance they leave between them
Where Are You? when a person who loves you will try to keep you within his line of sight and each now and then he will take a look at you to make sure that you are still there.
Nice or Cold? Being very nice one day and ignoring you the other day is one of the strongest sings of attraction. The logic behind this is very simple, at the beginning the person treats you very nicely because he likes you but when he realizes that he has done too much effort without receiving a response he starts to pull back. This person might say to himself something like "Oh my God, I showed lots of signs today that shows that i am interested in her but I still didn't get a response, tomorrow I should totally ignore her". So when you find someone being nice one day and cold the other day then know that the positive signs he showed resulted from the positive emotions he has towards you and that the negative signs were given just to cover his tracks.
I don't want anything in particular: If someone likes you then you will find him Calling you for trivial reasons (for example: asking about something that he/she already knows). If the person was smart enough he might find a good reason to call you for but when the frequency of these calls increase then this usually indicates that there is something behind it. seeking someone, being dependent to them is also a sign of attraction.
Match their moves When people are attracted to each other, they tend to sit or stand in the same way and copy each other's physical gestures. This is known as 'mirroring'. When someone does this, it marks good communication and shows us that our interest is reciprocated. Mirroring also happens when talking to close friends as well as potential lovers, so be careful as you may misread signs of friendship as signs of love.
Casual touch If someone is interested in another person, they will find any reason they can to touch them, from removing a piece of lint from a shirt or feeling the fabric of another person's clothing. They may also frequently touch the other person's hands an arms while speaking or after laughing at a joke. Making such excuses to touch frequently indicates attraction. Another method is to pretend to "accidentally" brush up against someone, but repeated instances of this is not likely to be an accident.
on the other hand
Touching: I am not referring to people who touch each other intentionally but i am referring to the ones who sit very close to each other to the extent that their legs or other body parts touch without intention. As soon as you see this scene know that those people are close friends.
"Chemistry is about a woman perceiving that she and that person are "naturally compatible" because her emotional and physical sparks fly when she meets or is around that person."
Sexual Tension is about the interaction following attraction.
It's that feeling you get when you're in the presence of someone you're attracted to, but there are obstacles, anticipation, humor, and/or other ingredients in the mix that both increase the attraction, and increase the tension in the situation. Sexual Tension is the combination of being pulled toward someone, but also feeling resistance at the same time.
It's about not knowing what's going to happen, but being on the edge of your seat wanting to know what's going to happen.
so if some of you think that they have sexual tension then it means this two have an attraction and it is one of the thing that needed to spark a fire whether it will be love or lust
REMEMBER: They are indications but they are not foolproof
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